Should you ever speak for free or accept a lower fee? Today my co-host Melanie Deziel and I are answering both of those questions for you.
We specifically talk about why money isn't the only reason to speak, and what the other benefits and non-monetary perks are which you can negotiate as a speaker.
We'll also cover how to build your business beyond the stage, speak to build your credibility and your visibility, and give examples of when we've both been willing to speak for a reduced fee or even for free.
Join us for those topics and more. And when you're done let us know if you like this co-host format on episode 174 of The Speaker Lab!
Inevitably you'll run into some issue before, during or right after you give a talk. Do you know how to prepare for when things go wrong as a speaker? Both my co-host and I do and that's what we're talking about on today's show.
Our co-host Melanie Deziel is back for her 3rd segment: the blooper reel. On episode 173 we talk about how to respond to any number of potential scenarios and pitfalls as a speaker.
You'll find out what to do if you are running late or having travel issues or if you are feeling sick. we'll discuss how to handle tech issues, if your time is cut short or if you have a difficult audience member.
Today we'll pull open up the curtain to share our best and worst stories, buckle up and join us because there's plenty to learn on episode 173 of The Speaker Lab!
Once you've given your speech the next step often becomes how to get the most referrals and testimonials after you've given a speech. Today we're going to walk you through the best ways to do this.
On episode 172 of The Speaker Lab, I'm joined by my co-host Melanie Deziel again. In case you missed our introduction of Melanie last week she's a successful speaker who came over from the corporate world after discovering her love of public speaking.
Today she speaks and consults full-time and is also a coach for students in The Speaker Lab programs. As a former TSL alum she is the perfect person to help other budding speakers gain their chops.
On this edition of the show we're covering what to do after your speech, how to request feedback, how to ask for testimonials, referrals, videos, pictures and other marketing materials you can use to promote yourself. Join us for insights on all of these topics and more today on The Speaker Lab.
One of the common questions I get asked is what you need to know before signing a contract. To answer this question we are joined by Melanie Deziel today. But unlike our usual format Melanie isn't a guest today, she's our first co-host!
Melanie was a student who has gone through our training programs and has become one of our coaches. Before branching out on her own in the speaking world, Melanie worked in a corporate environment. She helped brands think more like journalists and tell better stories.
She shifted into speaking when she realized how much she enjoyed the speaking gigs she was doing to represent her team. She took a course with The Speaker Lab and for the last two years she's been speaking and consulting full-time.
To keep things interesting and extra fun, I invited Melanie to join me as a co-host for the next four weeks. Today we're talking about a common question we get at the speaker lab: what do I need to know before signing a contract? We'll dig into that answer today on this edition of The Speaker Lab.